Graphics have been bought to the next level. We do not need PS3 if all the games look like this. The crashing are awesome, and we really like the bullet thingy and the ability to destroy our car in case it got whacked.
What really disappointed us is the lack of KL daily elements. Floods, traffic jams and mat rempits. We should put mat rempits instead of cars or more mat rempits. Players will be tested on how well they can coop with hundreds of rempits around them, take emergency lanes when encounter traffic jams or even kick the opponent cars' butts into the SMART tunnel filled with flood waters, and ended up somewhere in the lake. Then surely it will be more havoc than before. Cars and lorries and too boring.
Nevertheless, we hope, with new technologies or game engines, all these can make our dreams come true.
Pic from thehardwarezone